
Healthcare and Commercial Constructions

Contraxx Commercial Building specialise in Design and Quality Construction in the Healthcare & Commercial Building Sectors.

Following on from your initial contact with Contraxx Commercial Building our experienced planning & design team will walk you through all elements of your project.

From taking your design brief to concept planning, budget costs, council & permit requirements, time frames, specialist design disciplines, construction, handover and warranty, etc.

Regular client liaison, including written progress updates form part of our client service.

We look forward to working with you.

The Commercial Design Specialists 

Contraxx Commercial Building has a great team of designers, planners, architects and engineers to ensure that your project is built to plan, to the building codes and to the budget that you have allocated for the project. If you are interested in utilising Feng Shui throughout your build, we have specialist designers who can make that happen. 

Commercial Building Experts 

At Contraxx, we are experienced in creating a variety of commercial premises that are designed to offer both style and function. Our experienced builders and tradespeople will make sure that their work is nothing short of the highest quality. You will be ready to move in and commence your business as soon as your project is complete. 

We Offer Dependable Construction

For our commercial construction projects, our builders work closely with our engineering and architectural teams to make sure that your construction is meeting all necessary requirements that you would expect from a premium quality building or facility. You will be involved in each and every part of the process. 

Experience our commitment when you call 0422 863 358

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